Well, its been another few weeks without any updates, however more good news! I'm officially one of LIAT's newest hires! West Indies, here I come!
The ground school lasted for 2 weeks 9 to 5 type classes, Monday to friday the instructor, a Kititian (from St. Kitts) actually preferred 9 to 3, which was definitely OK with all of us. He liked to start on time, but sure liked to have his afternoon to himself! I stayed at the airport hotel, a small hotel just off the airport grounds and within walking distance of the Headquarters and the airport itself. It was good in itself that there were no taxi fares to pay, however with the airport being slightly isolated from everything else, the only real place to eat was at the airport itself! The restaurant, the 'Big Banana' became a place of familiarity pretty quickly, eating there every morning and every night - this let me eat the entire menu pretty quickly, but also made it get old... just as fast! By the end of the three weeks, all the staff knew me by name and what I'd likely order.. Some even gave me their staff discount because I was there more often that most of the people that actually worked at the airport itself!
The course itself was very interesting, always exciting (to me) because I knew it was exactly what I want to do, and learning about the airplane I was going to be flying was just fun. Learning about how every system works, what it does and its importance in the overall picture. It gives some backing when you get the people who visit the flight deck and ask "So do you know what every switch and guages does?!" However, it was no means easy! After class, it was back to the room, nap then hit the books until the eyes can't stay open anymore, then repeat! Being at the top was pretty paramount, as out of 13 people they were choosing 8! Being in the instructors good books by making sure any question that he asked, could be answered. So knowing all the systems, and going over it again, and again and again (and then again once more) were pretty key.
My third week in Antigua, I came down with a bit of a tropical fever (Dengue, that is) and was bed ridden for the greater part of the week, apart from an interview and two exams. I am lucky to have such an amazing family, and one of my uncles was able to get me a doctor's appointment, which was re-assuring to know I wasn't going to die!
I was called upon even in Barbados even before reaching to let me know that I had been offered the job! It was a very exciting weekend, but I have had my head in the books ever since and returned back to Antigua on Monday. We've signed our contracts and have been told that 4 of us are going up to Toronto for Simulator starting this weekend (the other 4 go up in two weeks when we return). Today was spent back in the classroom going over all the normal and non-normal procedures, everything we must know, memorize and do - sure is pretty overwhelming at first, but will all have to be done before the end of the weekend! Anyways, cutting this one short for now to get my head back in the book!